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Information on Eye Problems for Our Lloydminster Patients

Blurry vision is not the only symptom of a possible eye disorder. Headaches in the classroom while looking at the chalkboard is a common sign of myopia or hyperopia in children. Trauma and fatigue can greatly affect the health of your eyes, and your comfort. If your job puts your eyes at risk, or if you play contact sports, it’s important to be aware of the dangers to your eyes. At Violet Eyes Optometry, we believe in sharing our knowledge of eye problems with our Lloydminster area patients. Please contact us should you have any concerns about your eyes, and learn more about common eye problems here.

Amblyopia (“Lazy Eye”)

Amblyopia (commonly known as “Lazy Eye”) is a condition that affects children when one eye doesn’t grow properly, though it may otherwise appear healthy. This is why it is important to have children’s eyes checked early and regularly. If amblyopia is diagnosed early and treated properly, it can be corrected.


Astigmatism describes irregular eye shape. In astigmatism, the eye is oval-shaped like an egg instead of round like a ball. This causes light to focus unevenly and leads to distorted vision in objects both near and far. Astigmatism is not a disease and can be corrected with glasses or contact lenses.


Blepharitis refers to eyelid inflammation, a relatively common occurrence. Inflammation can be caused by oil and debris in the eye and can lead to redness and irritation.



The lens inside our eye gets cloudier as we age. When it gets cloudy to the point of blurry vision or light sensitivity, the cloudy lens is now called a cataract. Different people develop cataracts at different rates. If the cataract gets in the way of vision, it can be removed and replaced with a plastic lens implant.


We have cataract assessments available here at Violet Eyes Optometry.

Corneal Neovascularization

This condition happens to people who wear their contact lenses too often or wear the wrong material of contact lenses. Your cornea does not have its own blood vessels and relies on external air for oxygen. A contact lens may block the eye from getting enough oxygen and cause blood vessels from the conjunctiva (the mucous membrane covering your eye) to grow into the cornea and “invade” it.

Diabetic Retinopathy


Diabetes can affect eye health. It can lead to weakness, swelling, and blood leakage in the back of the eye. Blood leakage can then cause scarring and blindness. This is why it’s important for diabetics to keep their blood sugar levels in check and get their eyes examined by an optometrist regularly. If there is blood leakage, laser treatment is an option.

At Violet Eyes Optometry, we can help patients with diabetic eye examinations.

Dry Eye


Dry eye is a common condition and is often related with other medical conditions. It can also develop with age. Dry eye is when the eye cannot produce a sufficient amount of tears or when tears are shed instead of remaining on the eye to lubricate it. Dry eye can cause a burning sensation, pain, and red eyes. Environments that are dry and windy can exacerbate this condition, as can spaces with air conditioning or heating.

Are you suffering from dry eyes? We have resources to help you combat the discomfort.

Conjunctivitis (“Pink Eye”)

The conjunctiva is a mucous membrane that covers the inner eyelid and white part (sclera) of the eyes. When this tissue becomes inflamed, the condition is called conjunctivitis, commonly known as “pink eye.” Possible causes range from bacterial or viral infection to allergies and chemicals that have gotten into the eye. Therefore, proper treatment depends on the cause. Some forms of pink eye are contagious, so see a healthcare professional as soon as you can if you suspect conjunctivitis to prevent spreading it to others.


If you stare at a blank surface, you may notice clouds, dots, or lines floating in the middle of your vision. These are called vitreous floaters and they are caused by shadows cast on the retina by clumps of gel inside your eye. Floaters are normal, natural, and are often seen more frequently as we age. They are generally harmless. However, if your floaters are related to flashing lights, or if the floaters change in appearance quickly, we recommend getting an eye exam.


Glaucoma refers to a family of eye diseases where the optic nerve (located at the back of the eye) experiences deterioration. Risk factors for developing glaucoma include high eye pressure, thin corneas, and a family history of the disease. Testing for glaucoma is an important part of your eye exam. We will investigate your corneal thickness, eye pressure, and optic nerve head. We will also test your peripheral vision.


At Violet Eyes Optometry, we have resources for those looking to learn more about glaucoma and macular degeneration.

Hyperopia (“Farsightedness”)

Hyperopia, or “farsightedness,” is when far objects are clear but near objects appear blurry. This is due to the eye not being long enough and light being focused too late. Like myopia, hyperopia is not a disease and can be easily corrected with glasses or contact lenses. Some people with hyperopia wear prescription eyewear only when they are looking at close things, such as when they are reading.

Macular Degeneration


The macula is the area on the back of the eye that controls your detailed vision. Macular degeneration is when this area deteriorates, often as people age. A possible risk factor for this condition is smoking. While there is no cure yet, laser treatments and new, emerging techniques can treat this condition.

Our team at Violet Eyes Optometry has more information on glaucoma and macular degeneration.

Myopia (“Nearsightedness”)

Myopia, or “nearsightedness,” is when close objects are clear but far objects appear blurry. This happens when the eye is too long and light is focused too early. While myopia can worsen with age, it often stabilizes over time. Myopia is not a disease and can be easily corrected with glasses or contact lenses. People with myopia often wear prescription eyewear throughout the day. Some people with mild myopia will only wear prescription eyewear when looking at far objects such as the chalkboard at the front of a class.


Eyes focus on objects by changing their shape to adjust focus, depending on how far or near the object is. Presbyopia is a common condition in older people where the eye begins to lose the ability to flexibly change shape and focus. People will experience difficulty reading close up, so they may correct presbyopia with “reading glasses,” bifocal glasses, or contact lenses.

Strabismus (ie. “Cross-Eyed”)

This general term refers to misalignment of the eyes. Eyes can be misaligned in different ways, such as inward (esotropia, also known as “cross-eyed”), outward (exotropia, or commonly known as “wall-eyed”), upward (hypertropia), or downward (hypotropia). Strabismus is another reason why it is very important to get children’s eyes examined early, so that treatment can help them develop proper vision and depth perception.

If you have questions or concerns relating to these or other eye conditions, please don’t hesitate to visit or contact us. We would be happy to share our knowledge about eye problems at our Lloydminster clinic with our patients.

Let’s Keep an Eye On It

Early detection means more effective treatment, so get your eyes checked out today to prevent problems.

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